After probably the worst (weather wise) May EVER here in the Mid-Atlantic, we were itching to give ourselves a break from work and a never-ending list of home improvement projects, and also to get out and stretch the 4Runner, which lately has been relegated to Home Depot runs and commuter duty (sad face). The weather finally cooperated over Memorial Day weekend - we were able … [Read more...]
DRT Day Trips
"How Can I Join A DirtRoadTrip?" This is easily the most common question we receive on a daily basis, and historically we've never really given a clear response. The main reason behind this is the word you'll see on ever waiver you ever sign: Liability. Unfortunately we currently live in an overly litigious climate, and while I wouldn't complain to much if I had to give up … [Read more...]
Winter Camp Out 2016 – After Action Report
Now that we've had a week to thaw out from the Winter Camp Out, here's everything you missed if you weren't able to make it. Admittedly, we had set our expectations pretty low in regards to attendance due to the low temperatures and snow covered roads. So you could imagine our surprise when more than 25 trucks showed up to the camp out with over 50 people who loved (or at … [Read more...]
Winter Camp Out 2016 – Details
The DirtRoadTrip 2016 Winter Camp out is fast approaching, here’s everything you need to know in order to find us. Date: Saturday, February 6 – Sunday February 7, 2016 Time: We’ll be setup by 11:00 AM and we’ll just be hanging out for the day Where: 38°34'43.3"N 79°02'10.1"W The coordinates above are for the entrance to our camp site, it’s a well worn 2 … [Read more...]
MAOF 2015 – Scavenger Hunt
What's MAOF? It's the Mid-Atlantic Overland Festival, but since I'm just tired of having to type it repeatedly I'm going to abbreviate it going forward (MAOF). How to do you pronounce MAOF? If you sound it out, it's like saying mouth but with an "f" sound instead of the "th". But I digress, let's get back to what you really care about. SCAVENGER HUNT! Yes you read that … [Read more...]