It is one of the most contentious debates in all of Overlanding (or at least amongst internet Overlanders) – is a snorkel a necessary overlanding accessory, or just a piece of vanity vehicle jewelry?Ask 3 different folks, and you’re likely to get three different answers – because I guess it really just depends.
Based on my knowledge there are 2 functional benefits to a snorkel:
1. Prevent ingesting water through the air intake and hydrolocking your motor
2. In dusty conditions, a snorkel elevates the air intake point up above the thickest dust (in theory).
I’ve heard folks make the argument that if you are in-fact “using” the snorkel for its primary purpose in a modern 4×4, your ECU and other computer/electrical necessities are probably swimming. I agree with that logic.
Ultimately I’ve decided to install a snorkel on the 4Runner. To me a snorkel is an insurance policy – I don’t ever intend to dunk my OEM air box under water and risk ingestion, and I fully understand that a snorkel won’t prevent my electronics from frying. But, if I ever do misjudge a water crossing or hole and get in too deep, I’d certainly rather replace electronics than replace electronics AND the motor.
Here’s the snorkel that will be adorning my fender in upcoming weeks
Sourcing a snorkel for the 4Runner was quite the adventure. Turns out that exactly one company makes one and they’re in Southeast Asia. After signing onto a forum-based group buy and waiting a couple of months, the snorkel is finally in my possession (props to Pathfinder Outdoors for coordinating the group buy and logistics). Now it’s time to bust out the hole saw and start swiss-cheesing my passenger front fender!
This was something I struggled with for my Xterra. Was it just so it would look cool? And drilling that massive hole in my fender really worth it. My truck definitely get more attention which in turn is great cause I can talk to more people about the enjoyment of off roading and overlanding, and hopefully get more people involved. I was extremely skeptical of the benifits though. But I’ve noticed my truck runs a little smoother, I get slightly better mileage. But above all my air filter remains cleaner. I find less dust, mud and other assorted crap in the airbox and filter. And to be honest it does look pretty sweet! To quote an article I read that was posted by Expedition Portal, “having a snorkel on your truck is like raising your hand and shouting I’m ready for adventure!” I realize the quote was made purely for satire, but is found it funny.