Generally speaking, when you start modifying your rig all of the additional changes come with one major drawback, weight.
Two years ago I installed an AEV 3.5″ DualSport SC suspension in our 2014 JKU Rubicon, and while it’s been a great suspension setup, the rear end of the Jeep was starting to show some major sagging after the first few weeks. Since I’m not a big fan of “bro-rake” or the “Carolina Squat” I started looking for some new options.
My main goal was to maintain the AEV ride comfort while also being able to carry all of the extra crap we take camping these days “expedition” loads. After doing some research, I ended up choosing to go with ARB’s Old Man Emu springs for the JK. I mainly selected OME due to their great customer support and my own personal history of running their suspension components on my Land Cruiser.
The guys at Forge recommended I utilize the medium weight spring so that’s exactly what I had them install. The main reason for going with a medium spring over a heavy is the OME medium springs are advertised as a 4″ lift (.5″ taller than the AEV) and the heavy springs have a reputation for riding like a Conestoga wagon.
My initial impressions post install is that the ride and handling characteristics of the Jeep remain unchanged from the AEV springs. The OME springs work as a perfect replacement for the AEV units and have also leveled the rig. For full disclosure the front bumper also has a 9500 lbs winch installed and the rear has a 35″ tire, AEV fuel tank, fridge, and drawers.
On our most recent trip to George Washington National Forest, the Jeep performed perfectly and didn’t show any major sag. We’ll see how they hold up over the next year and will be sure to get back to you with an update. If you’re looking for a replacement spring for your JK, ARB’s Old Man Emu units are definitely worth a look.
Do you have the model number on the arb/omu springs?