Now that we’ve had a week to thaw out from the Winter Camp Out, here’s everything you missed if you weren’t able to make it.
Admittedly, we had set our expectations pretty low in regards to attendance due to the low temperatures and snow covered roads. So you could imagine our surprise when more than 25 trucks showed up to the camp out with over 50 people who loved (or at least thought they did) winter camping as much as us.
We held the Winter Camp Out in the same location as the previous “event” and there was plenty of space for everyone and their gear. Setup’s included everything from OzTent’s to hammocks (the one’s for people, not bananas) and we had attendees travel from as far as Boston. There was also a huge variety of vehicles from Toyota, Jeep, and even Lexus, the only guys missing from the line up were Land Rover. We’ll give them a pass though, cold temperatures have a tendency to leave them stranded and we were way too far from the closest 4 star hotel.
After this weekend, I’m pretty sure mother nature must be one of our subscribers, because while temperatures were in the mid 20’s, we were blessed with zero wind at 3,600′. We also had nothing but clear skies (perfect for drones) and plenty of sun to keep us warm during the day.
When the evening rolled around we had spent the morning processing firewood, so we had a bonfire that lasted into the next day. I still think we cut way too much firewood, but that’s just because I don’t want to admit to my wife that she was right.
I think the biggest takeaway from this weekend is that we’ve got a pretty amazing group of supporters. We had a huge variety of people come to the event and many of them brought wives/girlfriends (possibly soon to be ex wives), children, dogs, and friends. Not one of them complained about the cold, and you would have thought we all had known each other for years.
We hope to continue having these camp outs, and we hope more of you will join us in the future. Keep an eye out for the Spring Camp Out, but there will still probably be snow on the ground!
How do I join the group? Someone in an FJ cruiser with a linex roof at Dulles airport left a dirt road trip sticker on the windshield of my 4runner. Looks like good times.
There isn’t any membership or official group. If you’re interested in joining a future trip, the format is pretty simple and all of the details can be found here in an earlier write up.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!
Wish I would have known about this one I would of loved to join you. Please let me know when the next event is so i can go.
thanks for the pictures.
No problem, glad you enjoyed them.
Sorry we missed it this time! Looks like a great turnout!
No problem Chris, hopefully we’ll catch you next time.