It looks like winter has finally loosened its grip and prime camping season is upon us! We’ve recently gotten our hands on some great camping gear to make the camping experience that much sweeter – whether it’s fixing and drinking camp coffee, harvesting wood for the campfire, lighting up camp, or keeping all your gadgets juiced we’ve got you covered.
Sven Saw (about $37)
Apparently Sven Saws have been around for years – but if we didn’t know about them that means that there are plenty of other weekend warriors that need to hear about this kickass saw. The Sven Saw is a folding triangular saw, available in 15” and 21” lengths and features a Swedish Steel Blade. The saw weighs less than a pound and packs away super compact.
Our friend Rick (The New Artemis) introduced us to the saw a couple of weeks back on a weekend trip. We were blown away with just how efficient the little saw was – it makes quick work of 4-7” diameter trees, efficiently turning them into heaping stacks of firewood. Just this past weekend we were using our newly acquired saw and are wondering where this thing has been all our lives.
Snow Peak Titanium Mugs ($30/each)
Titanium. No longer just for aerospace applications and orthopedic repairs. Snow Peak’s aesthetically pleasing, quality-crafted titanium drinkware is a practical application for the ultralight backpacker. For those of us piloting 3+ ton trucks in the backcountry, it is hard to justify spending more for the weight savings of titanium.
That is, if these cups weren’t so visually appealing and a fun piece of kit to use on those crisp mornings. We use ours with Snow Peak’s “hot lips” rubber sippers so we don’t burn ourselves enjoying a freshly-brewed cup of joe.
GSI 30oz Java Press (~$30)
While we’re talking about coffee – we picked up the trick GSI 30oz Java Press to try our hand at french press coffee instead of our typical instant stuff. The GSI press comes with a neoprene insulated outer cover and a metal rod press/metal filter – nicely made and feels like it’ll survive a beating. The press operates nice and smooth with no noticeable blow-by of coffee grains.
Our coffee turned out pretty well this past weekend on the maiden voyage. As we continue to trial and error our french press recipe (amount of grinds, wait time, etc…), we think we’ll nail it and concoct the perfect cup – eventually.
Snow Peak Mini Hozuki Lantern (~$40)
We have seen these lanterns around for a while and were lured by a few features: the small size, the pleasing aesthetic (are you noticing a theme with the Snow Peak stuff?), long battery life, and the powerful and “warm” LED light output that is pleasantly differentiated from the harsh blue light we’ve come to expect from LED lanterns.
This lantern is super-well thought out – for example the hook is magnetic, so the hanging options are plentiful (it will attach easily to fabric and clothes), the on/off requires a ~2second hold, so you won’t accidentally turn it on in your bag, and the batteries (three AAAs) will last up to 70 hours. The price seems a little steep, but this is a lantern you’ll look forward to using and appreciate on every overnight outing.
GoalZero Battery and Phone Chargers ($40-$50)
As we’re frequently out camping in the middle of nowhere, we appreciate the peace of mind of keeping our devices (phones, headlamps, camp lanterns) juiced up and ready to go without the hassle of running through disposable batteries or having to leave phones plugged in the truck. Goal Zero makes some trick hardware to keep your gadgets running. I run the GoalZero Guide 10 Plus battery charger in the truck full-time, plugged into an “always on” USB socket I’ve installed in the back. I’ve used the GoalZero Switch 8 Recharger on some outdoor adventures (recharging my phone in the tent overnight), but it has actually also become a part of my everyday carry in my work bag – sure comes in handy on long work travel days spent living in airports and on 5+ hour cross-country flights!
GSI Java Press is a must for my camping needs!
I’m not a coffee drinker, but I know Ben has gotten his money’s worth out of his.