We've worked with Red Cloud and the local Mid-Atlantic Overland Society to put together a fun weekend overnight camping and wheeling event at Red Cloud Off Road Park in Lorton, VA on May 17-18. For y'all near DC this will be great chance to get out of the house, use your gear, and meet some great people. … [Read more...]
CBI 5th Gen 4Runner Rear Bumper
After a bunch of collective begging on the 4Runner forum, CBI began work last November on a 5th Gen 4Runner Rear Bumper. I had literally been waiting about 2 years for someone to come out with a swingout I liked, so this was great news! … [Read more...]
The Overland 3-Year Plan
Most of the trips we talk about on DirtRoadTrip are opportunistic weekend escapes - they're convenient and we can squeeze them into an already crowded life. But what about the big trips? … [Read more...]
New Spring Camping Gear under $50
It looks like winter has finally loosened its grip and prime camping season is upon us! We've recently gotten our hands on some great camping gear to make the camping experience that much sweeter - whether it's fixing and drinking camp coffee, harvesting wood for the campfire, lighting up camp, or keeping all your gadgets juiced we've got you covered. … [Read more...]
Featured Rides: Taylor’s 2006 Tacoma Build
While we love the 4Runner and Land Cruiser, some of our closest friends (and relatives) have built some great trucks we can't help but share. So by now since you've probably already seen my brother Taylor's Tacoma in a past trip report (Shoe Creek and GWNF) holding its own out on the trail we thought it would be a good place to start. … [Read more...]