I can't help but give my $0.02 on ARB's recented debuted Old Man Emu BP-51 Bypass Coilovers and Shocks. I mean, this is ARB taking a direct shot … [Read more...]
Black Bear Pass – Colorado
There's nothing like the possibility of plummeting off the sheer face of a mountain encourage you to focus and keep those hands on the wheel. Infamous Black Bear Pass in Colorado is one of the place that drives that kind of self-preservation focus. … [Read more...]
EnerPlex JUMPR Slate and KICKR IV Review
No matter how much you like being off the grid, chances are if you're somewhat like the rest of us, you get a little cranky when your iPhone-Pad-Mac-etc. runs out of juice. … [Read more...]
Bro Lite Racing: Cumberland Cup
If you haven't heard, Alex and I are fairly obsessed with Bro Lite Racing - the upstart short-circuit spec Ford Ranger series starting in the Mid-Atlantic. Naturally, we had to make it out to the inaugural race … [Read more...]
Bro Lite Spec Ford Ranger Racing
About 2 weeks ago a Race-Dezert facebook post came across my newsfeed about an upstart spec racing series, and I can't get it out of my head. Bro Lite, the brainchild of … [Read more...]