Moab is filled with some of the best 4x4-friendly attractions you'll find anywhere in the world, but there's so much more to experience outside of the driver's seat. When Becca and I were in Moab this past Summer, we took a break from the 4x4 stuff and did some hiking to get in a little exercise and see views from areas where the 4Runner couldn't go. Moab's world-class … [Read more...]
CBI Rear Bumper Medium-Term Review
I was super pumped to install a CBI rear bumper on the 4Runner last spring - I had been waiting what seemed like ages for a manufacturer to come up with a well-designed, high quality piece and the CBI design fit the bill. I've now been living with the bumper now for 9-10 months and approximately 20,000 miles. My experience with the bumper has been overwhelmingly … [Read more...]
Hanging Lake Hike, Colorado
Hanging Lake is one of the most popular hikes in all of Colorado. Situated immediately off of I-70 in Glenwood Springs, the place is so popular that most days (allegedly) the parking lot fills up to capacity with both locals and tourists looking to make the 1.2-mile one-way trek up to Hanging Lake. So why is this hike so popular, you ask? Hanging Lake gets its name from … [Read more...]
2016 Tacoma: Did Toyota Miss the Mark?
10 years. That's a long damn time for a model run. Toyota truck fanboys (myself included) have been salivating at the thought of a new Tacoma for years now, wishfully thinking that all of our truck forum wish-lists would translate directly to the production line (put a diesel in it! lock both axles!). Finally, on Monday, the new Tacoma's unveiling came and … [Read more...]
What are we reading? Adventure blogs to check out.
As much time as we spend clacking away on keyboards writing for DirtRoadTrip, we easily spend 3x as much time "overlanding" the dark corners of the interwebz looking for enlightenment, inspiration, and sometimes just to laugh. Consider this the first installment of several in 2015 where we'll highlight other folks killin' it with equally inspiring and entertaining … [Read more...]