Generally speaking, when you start modifying your rig all of the additional changes come with one major drawback, weight. Two years ago I installed an AEV 3.5" DualSport SC suspension in our 2014 JKU Rubicon, and while it's been a great suspension setup, the rear end of the Jeep was starting to show some major sagging after the first few weeks. Since I'm not a big fan of … [Read more...]
Do You Really Need a Winch?
As many of you have noticed, I've spent the better part of the past year and a half driving around without a winch. In that time I've had numerous discussions, most of which start with "you're an idiot" and and all which end with me replying "it's cool bro I drive a Jeep, they don't get stuck." Now in full disclosure I've finally wizened up a little bit (not much, but enough … [Read more...]
Top 5 DC Area Road Trips – 2016
One of the most common questions we receive is "where's a good place to hit the dirt that isn't a day long drive from DC?" So we've finally decided to compile a list of some of our favorite locations that are within a 2 hour drive from the DC area. All of the locations listed below are stock vehicle friendly, but a lot of that can always be weather dependent. As always, we … [Read more...]
Ten Tips for Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter Travel
With a potential winter storm right around the corner, we thought this would be a good time for us to share our ten tips for preparing your vehicle for winter travel. It doesn't take much effort to prep your vehicle for the worst mother nature can throw at us, but if you start after there is already a foot of white stuff on the ground, well you're already screwed. Now before … [Read more...]
GW National Forest – Long Run Road
With the DirtRoadTrip Winter Camp Out right around the corner, we gathered up the crew to do a quick scouting run around George Washington National Forest. The previous Summer Camp Out was hosted at an excellent site directly off of Long Run Road, and we were looking for a change of scenery. In the past we had covered a lot of the trail in the same vicinity, but we'd never … [Read more...]