After our great experience with Prinsu’s LC80 Roofrac that we installed on Dave’s 80 Series Land Cruiser, we decided to get another one of their racks for our 2008 Access Cab Tacoma. The main reason we decided to go with the Prinsu rack for the Tacoma was due to its low profile design, lightweight construction, and because the unit on Dave’s truck has been nothing but 100% … [Read more...]
JK Rear Light Bar Mount – Fabrication
Backing up a JK on the trail at night is already a difficult proposition when you have an AEV Fuel Caddy and 35" spare tire taking up 95% of the rear window. Add in the fact that from the factory you're working with reverse lights that are about as bright as Paul Revere's lantern, and you quickly figure out it's time for an upgrade. While the JK was down at Forge Specialties … [Read more...]
Winter Camp Out 2016 – After Action Report
Now that we've had a week to thaw out from the Winter Camp Out, here's everything you missed if you weren't able to make it. Admittedly, we had set our expectations pretty low in regards to attendance due to the low temperatures and snow covered roads. So you could imagine our surprise when more than 25 trucks showed up to the camp out with over 50 people who loved (or at … [Read more...]
Mid-Atlantic I4WDTA Certified Trainers
Most of the people we meet out on the trail usually have a winch, shackles, recovery ropes, and all sorts of other fancy recovery equipment. The total dollar amount of all this equipment starts in the hundreds and can easily reach into the thousands, but most people don't even read the instruction manual that comes with all their fancy gear. Off-road driving is inherently … [Read more...]
Carolina Metal Masters JK Grab Bar – Install
Calling the cabin of the JK "cozy" would be an understatement and I'm always looking for new ways to mount accessories in the truck. Since the windshield is already pretty small as is, I wanted to avoid anything that mounted on top of the dash. With limited options, I took the advice of our own Jason Grogg and ordered a Carolina Metal Masters JK Grab Bar. The JK Grab Bar is … [Read more...]