The best part about overland travel is being able to prepare some real meals while out on the trail. Here's what you can find in "Alex's Kitchen Kit". … [Read more...]
OzTent: RV-3 vs RV-4
The RV-3 and RV-4 are OzTent's most popular models, here's a comparison of the two so you know which one is right for you. … [Read more...]
Adventure Trailers JK Storage System Install
After finally seeing the Adventure Trailers JK Composite Storage System in person, I pulled the trigger and a few days later it showed up at my door. … [Read more...]
No Man’s Land
Our friends Adam and Cody invited us check out their property "No Man's Land" in Mathias, WV where we spent the weekend clearing trail, camping, and consuming gratuitous amounts of adult beverages. … [Read more...]
Origins: Where it All Began
The first time Ben and I ever met was on a trip to the Highland Scenic Highway in the Monongohela National Forest . You could say this trip was the birth of DirtRoadTrip. … [Read more...]